👋 Welcome The Spy Network


If you are ready to join the next generation of spies, become a recruit today! 

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Learn how to become an agent

Exclusive Roblox & Minecraft Realms

Private Community of agents

                                              GAMING STARTS IN

 About us


The world is now a spy network.  Everywhere you do and say is being recorded, monitored, and tracked.  The next generation will require modern technology skills and education to navigate the challenges of the 21st century.  Spy training is the ultimate hack to develop the skills you need to survive and thrive today.  

What do we offer?

Global Community of young Spies

Exclusive Spy Content & Training

Weekly Missions & Challenges

Private Events & Access

Join our community now!


You can join for free as a prospect, or become a recruit and start your training NOW!

I learn so much every day from the spies in the community.  The training is priceless. I would have never learned these skills anywhere else.

- Agent M

The Spy Network will teach you the most important skills you need in the age of technology and surveillance.

- Agent 9

Being the master of our environment is the key to protecting your freedom. The community is a safe place for all spies.

- Agent Trine

Join the community now!


Join our fascinating community now to experience what it is like, to be a modern spy, share your skills with an exclusive network, and make yourself heard out there with your friends.